Thursday, February 21, 2008

Honey Ryder Lounge March 4th, 2008

Welcome to the third So Sophisticated This time at HONEY RYDER LOUNGE!

Lets face it, we are fabulous and so is this location at Hotel 27 a Choice Hotel! If you have not yet experienced HONEY RYDER LOUNGE, this is your chance... and what could be better than to spend your weekday evening with SOSO friends doing what we do best... socializing and networking over exciting cocktails?

"Molecular Cocktails and Jazzy tunes as the Honey Ryder Resident DJ and the Honey Ryder Bar Team creates the atmosphere in this design lounge"

Tradition, passion and molecules

Hyper classical and molecular cocktails made from exquisite ingredients served in warm and stylish surroundings continuously shaped and re-shaped by leading Scandinavian designers from Republic of Fritz Hansen - that´s Scandinavia’s best Cocktail Lounge.

The aim of the Honey Ryder Cocktail Lounge is clear: every cocktail they serve must be a unique taste experience, true to tradition and at the same time innovative and challenging. They really take pride in the fact that you can taste the different flavours in Honey Ryder's cocktails.

HONEY RYDER pursues cocktails with passion and perfection.

The cocktail special that has been especially designed for SOSO by the HONEY RYDER team is "Absolutly 27" and is proudly sponsored by ABSOLUT VODKA at a price break of 85,-

"Absolutly 27" is a refreshing and titillating play on sweet and citrus complimented by a surprising twist of hinted mint and champagne bubbles.

Absolutly 27 is made with Absolut Raspberri, Raspberry Liqueur, Fresh Raspberries, Mint, Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup, Orange Juice and topped with Champagne 85,-

The Resident DJ - Mikkel Wendelboe, will be enhancing our evening and our senses by spinning Jazz, New Jazz and Bossa.

We look forward to seeing you there for yet another fabulous and sophisticated SOSO experience. Don't forget to invite your most sophisticated cocktail appreciating friends. See you there!

March 4th, 2008, 17.00 - 23.00, HONEY RIDER LOUNGE at HOTEL 27
Løngangstræde 27, Tel + 45 70275627


You can join and become a member of the facebook group SOSO to get information and invitations on upcoming events. You can also do a search on facebook under events for So Sophisticated and find the link to SOSO as the host on the invite.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What are people saying about SOSO?

“You’re a guaranteed big night.’

Greg Smith

"Fabulous event yesterday - Ourbar and the cocktails were amazing!! I'm definitely coming back...Cheers!"
Louise Ørnbøll Bang Nielsen

“Hey Maria thank you so much… it was such a pleasure to be around so many beautiful human beings wauv I am already looking forward to the next one ;-) You did a great job… this is going to be huge ;-)”
Michael Munck

“I’d like to say that your concept sounds really interesting. I looked around and found that you are doing an event at Ruby tomorrow-beautiful venue, great choice! I understand that you “jump” around from venue to venue each month with the intention to network and enjoy nice cocktails all at the same time – never a bad mix…”

“First time I had a great cocktail, an addictive cocktail and a weird cocktail. Also lots of nice people were there. Keep up the good work!”
Henrik Gilvad

"Thanking for a great evening last night...
Hope you got home alright and got to know a lot of new people, I sure did..."
Anders Hage

"Thank you for good company and for introducing me to yet another great bar in CPH."
Thorbjørn Sølver Lang

"Hey hunny, yet another success;-) i just love u all fantastic outgoing, stylish wonderful people... it`s been a pleasure meeting u all..."
Alexandra Nilsson

"Last night was a blast. especially the after party. Thanks Vladimir! And thank you Maria for another great event."
Jan Hansen

“I read about So Sophisticated by accident here on facebook, looked it up, liked the idea. Well done.”

“Some nice work you’ve done… Congrats”
Anders Hage

“I read about it in Politiken and thought it was the best initiative I had heard of in a long time. So I dug you up in here and hopefully we’ll meet at the next gathering ☺”
Marie Honore

“You made yourself a celebrity. I am rather impressed.”
Peter Staudt

“My friend John read about it in the paper and told me about it. It sounds fantastic. I’ll be ready for the event in March.”
Maibritt Abby Agerholm

“R u the new organizer of the most sophisticated parties in Denmark? U look fab and represent well as always!... It just reminds me of you at the Loews… always running around making the events happen!”
Kjersti La Motte

“I have signed up for the event.. and looking much forward to mingle and meet new and interesting people.”

“You’re connecting Danes and expats like no other (your party was bigger, longer and better than anything _____ _____ has done)”
Greg Smith

“I read about SOSO in the article on and thought it would be just my kind of thing! I am always looking for a fun night out and about and I love cocktails and meeting new people. I sure plan to attend your next event!”
Helle Rønberg

“SUPER INITIATIV! Jeg vil gerne joine SOSO gruppen.”
Trine Aagaard Sorensen

“I saw the group while “networking” on facebook – several familiars have joined the event “So Sophisticated”. I thought it sounded like a fun and interesting group – different from a lot of other groups.”
Lisa Kil Boding

“I actually read about SOSO in Politiken and thought it would be fun to join the group. I have already invited a lot of my friends to join the group…”
John H. Bjørneboe

“...she thinks you are SO cool and this is such a great, progressive and innovative idea for an event and that it's such a good initiative!”
Malene. Baunsgaard

“I actually read about it in iBYEN. And since I am very active on facebook I thought I’d see what it was.. I actually knew one of the people in the group – so that was fun. The world is so small now that we have facebook as a tool. I like the whole mingling of cultures, have several American friends - so that was one of the reasons as well. Cool project you started – hope to see you soon.”
Christine Aalborg Carstensen

“Such a great intitiative! I found out about the group through Politiken, and it just sounded so good that I had to join immediately ☺ - Hope to meet you soon.”
Angelica Vargas

“I read an article about you and your facebook group in Politiken and thought “What a fabulous idea!”
Louise Ørnbøll Bang Nielsen

“soooo how was it… I can see greeeeat!!!”
Daniel Rotenberg

“Uhhh you’re becoming all famous ☺ Looking very happy in your picture in ☺ Congrats on the publicity, looks like SOSO is going to be big!!”
Camilla Skov Larsen

“My god—you are so going to end up making a living out of this!!! I can see it now.. total events organizer!”
Amy Thornton

“My girlfriend heard about your So Sophisticated event and we thought it would be an excellent opportunity for us to expand our network :-D We look forward to the event and meeting a bunch of new people!!”
Cem Allen Nurkan

“It was great fun and nice people. Very relaxed atmosphere. Definitely will return for the March event ☺”
Henrik Gilvad

“Was a great night, I really liked the place.”
Peter Maahn Sterkenburg

“What a great evening at Ruby, we had a lot of fun. And I’m looking forward to the 13th too.”
Lars Storm Andersen

“Hej, Thankx for a great party! I’ll be looking forward to the next event.”
Junli Ma

“Thanks for the other night, it was great seeing some old friends again and meeting some new.”
Andy Rutter

“You are officially now one of the ”it-girls” of the city!!!!!!! ☺ CONGRATUALTIONS beauty that you’re really amazingly cool event have taken off so perfectly!!”
Malene Baunsgaard

“Thank you for photos and a very sophisticated party! I enjoyed it a lot!
Mette Kirkegaard

“I’m glad it went well. Your concept sounds so nice. We are all looking forward to host your arrangement ☺”
Nicolai Achton – OUR BAR

“Just wanted to say that last night at Rubys was a great way to spend a Tuesday evening!”
Camilla Benjnouh

“I heard you had a great event yesterday. Congratulations on the Success.”
Jesper Johansen – Honey Ryder Lounge

“It was such a nice event, I hope it will return more than once!! ☺ I’ve got some pictures to send, sadly I didn’t get as many as I wanted cause I ended up talking to some (Nice ‘n cute!) girl Zia… and suddenly I forgot everything about taking pictures… Ooops!”
Simon Hoff Kunze

“After the last amazing event OF COURSE I’m coming back for more! ;-) See you there.”
Malene Baunsgaard

“Super fun last night! Thanks for organizing, look forward to next month!”
Ada Stien

“I’ve already told heaps of people of the event, and at least two of my friends from the organisation, that I’m in “Atlantsammenslutningen” are DYING to join us at the next event. And they haven’t even seen how FAMOUS it/you are! ;) I just told them about the event last week and they loved it and thought it was a BRILLIANT idea!!!”
Malene Baunsgaard

Monday, February 18, 2008


The second So Sophisticated event for SOSO members was hosted by OUR BAR on February 13th, 2008. There were over 200 people that attended throughout the exciting evening. Even with all the new curious random people that joined in due to the publicity from Politiken the crowd held true to what makes So Sophisticated so unique... I would describe the members as vibrant, sociable, urbane, friendly, fun, cozy, open, warm, charming, happy, cosmopolitan, mixed, sophisticated and smiley that love networking, flirting, meeting and greeting.

OUR BAR was very conducive for conversation with it's warm atmosphere and the superb cocktails don't hurt. The "OUR Funny Valentine" special cocktail was a delicious hit and my only critique was that they couldn't be made fast enough!

Thank you to Vladimir, Nicholai and the rest of the talented staff for creating a very memorable evening!

SOSO is Worth a Mention...

Betsey Sook is the author of a blog called Bliv Smuk - alt om skønhed. So Sophisticated got a mention. Lately whenever she comes across something that she thinks "Wow, that's cool" it most often comes from New York and more specifically Brooklyn!

What's that got to do with the SOSO group?

"Hver gang, jeg faldt over noget fedt (altså ikke en stol lavet af gamle plasticflasker), men noget, der var lækkert design, selv om det var genbrug… ja, det kom såmænd fra Brooklyn... Lige en sidste krølle på New York historien kommer i dag d. 18. februar, hvor jeg har søgt optagelse i en club, der hedder So Sophisticated - og ja, arrangøren er også fra Brooklyn."

Check it out on Hvad sker der med New York? Feb. 17 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Front Page of Politiken's iBYEN

Maria Fazzingo holder cocktailparty i aften,- Foto: Simon Hoff Kunze

Facebooks cocktail-gruppe inviterer til fest i aften
Facebookgruppe inviterer til sofistikerede cocktailfester en gang om måneden. Næste gang i aften på Ourbar i Pisserenden.

Af Kirstin Stefansdottir Egekvist

Sofistikerede københavnere kan nu mødes månedligt over sofistikerede cocktails. Den amerikanske tilflytter Maria Fazzingo har efter tre år i Danmark taget initiativ til en månedlig cocktailbar.

Oprindeligt kom ideen, fordi hun ville se mere til vennerne. Men nu inviteres resten af København også med.

»Jeg var træt af, at jeg ikke så mine venner jævnligt og tænkte over, hvordan jeg kunne komme til at se dem oftere«, forklarer den 38-årige fotograf.

»Min egen lejlighed er for lille til, at vi alle kunne være dér og hygge os sammen, og restaurantture ville blive for besværligt med regninger og præcise mødetider«, fortæller hun.

Et månedligt cocktailparty på en ugedag blev derfor løsningen, og gennem facebookgruppen SOSO - eller So Sofisticated - inviteres samtlige medlemmer nu til begivenhederne.

Udansk mingling
Første arrangement var 22. januar på den hjemligt indrettede cocktailbar Ruby, og her mødte omkring 100 forventningsfulde cocktailelskere op.

»Det gik over al forventning«, jubler Maria Fazzingo, der ikke mener, hun kunne have stablet arrangementet på benene uden Facebook.

Her startede hun i december facebookgruppen ved at invitere sine venner, som hun opfordrede til at invitere deres venner.

Gruppen er åben for alle og har nu 460 medlemmer.

»Jeg kender ikke 100 mennesker personligt, så det var fantastisk at se så mange til SOSO´s første cocktailparty. Folk hilste på hinanden og snakkede på kryds og tværs«, fortæller Maria Fazzingo.

Hun glædede sig især over danskernes åbenhed til arrangementet.

»Det er ikke så dansk, det dér med at gå rundt og introducere sig selv og networke med mennesker, der er helt forskellige fra én selv«, mener Fazzingo.

Til hvert arrangement serveres en særlig cocktail.

På Ruby bød bartenderne på en specialmixet variation af drinken Aviation.

Næste SOSO arrangement er 13. februar på Ourbar i Studiestræde.

Tonight at OUR BAR

We are looking forward to tonight's So Sophisticated event at OUR BAR.

Two hundred people are on the guest list. Thanks to the Politiken publicity, that's twice as many from last time at RUBY as well as over 450 members now for the facebook group SOSO.

So this month’s So Sophisticated event will be twice as big with a whole lot more Funky and Fun in the mix!

Here's what we have to look forward to…

The beautiful DJ Nicoline spinning her broad range of soft sultry lounge beats to set the evening’s tone to sweltering, sexy groovy…

OUR BAR’s featured love potion “OUR Funny Valentine” at a price special of kr. 70… sure to get your sociability juices flowing!

Night life Photographer: Simon Hoff Kunze capturing the SOSO intimate moments of So Sophisticated’s dynamic, beautiful and fun crowd as they socialize, network and flirt while making new friends.

Some mystery press dying to write about how fabulous we are :-P

OUR BAR’s staff and space which is welcoming, stylish, cozy, international and a little bit funky.

Your smiling hostesses: Maria Fazzingo (AKA: Blondacious) and Sexy Alexandra Nilsson the style queen.

But most of all it’s the attendees of So Sophisticated that we mainly look forward to! So bring your smiling faces, warm charms, open attitudes and be SOSO ready to meet some wonderful new people.

This month’s featured cocktail that has been designed and crafted by OUR BAR especially for SOSO is appropriately named considering the season, “OUR Funny Valentine”. Fresh raspberries are muddled and mixed with a trilogy of Smirnoff Black Copper Distilled Premium Vodka (so enjoyed by Russia's aristocracy and Tzars) Monin French Raspberry Liqueur and a hint of Frangelico, the Italian wild hazelnut Liqueur. The cocktail is then topped off with passion fruit juice, cranberry juice and a delicate rose petal garnish.

Sounds like a love potion to me…

Good service appreciates good tips

Please respect the dress code: Sultry in Black

OUR BAR Studiestræde 7
Wednesday, February 13th
The evening starts at 17.00 or fashionably late.
