Thursday, January 31, 2008

OUR BAR Wednesday, February 13th

After the huge success of our first So Sophisticated event at RUBY, we are doing it again! OUR BAR will be hosting us in February and I just can't wait!

OUR BAR’s ambition is simply to be the cities best cocktail bar. The drinks here are created by some of the most talented friendly bartenders, that you can have a conversation with…with ease. OUR BAR is a friendly place which opens it’s arms to a mixed crowd, perfect for hosting SOSO’s members for So Sophisticated.

The atmosphere of OUR BAR is “Hygge” with it’s soft lighting and comfortable couches. The interior is decorated with warm colors, high bar stools and tables in dark wood, brown leather chairs, comfortable nooks and corners with candlelight and flowers. The whole place gives off a warm and welcoming vibe conducive to intimate conversation.

OUR BAR is not at all snobbish except when it comes to their cocktails! Their goal is to lift the cocktail culture up. Think Gastronomy of cocktails. The cocktails are mixed with artistry and craft making the drinks absolutely amazing! OUR BAR’s cocktail menu is seasonal, offering the time of year’s best ingredients of fresh fruits and a healthy dose of spirits guaranteeing quality. Just about everything on their menu is unique and off the beaten path. The SOSO special cocktail offering for February’s So Sophisticated is sure to be over the top!

Please RSVP on the facebook event "So Sophisticated"
Bring all of your fabulousness and most cocktail appreciating sophisticated friends.

Dress code: SULTRY in BLACK

Friday, January 25, 2008

Politiken's iBYEN article

January 25th Politiken posted an article about "So sophisticated" on their website iBYEN. It was quite the surprise considering I wasn't expecting such a great turn out and success. I am still receiving an overwhelming response of people's positive feedback, new members of SOSO and RSVPs for the next event at OUR BAR for February 13th. Thanks again to everyone that attended and made it the wonderful evening it was.

Den amerikanske fotograf Maria Fazzingo (tv) står bag facebookgruppen So Sofisticated. Her ses hun til gruppens første cocktailparty på Ruby - Foto: Simon Hoff Kunze

Amerikaner skaber danske Facebook-fester
Facebookgruppe inviterer til sofistikerede cocktailfester en gang om måneden

Af Kirstin Stefansdottir Egekvist

Sofistikerede københavnere kan nu mødes månedligt over sofistikerede cocktails. Den amerikanske tilflytter Maria Fazzingo har efter tre år i Danmark taget initiativ til en månedlig cocktailbar.

Oprindeligt kom ideen, fordi hun ville se mere til vennerne. Men nu inviteres resten af København også med.

"Jeg var træt af, at jeg ikke så mine venner jævnligt og tænkte over, hvordan jeg kunne komme til at se dem oftere", forklarer den 38-årige fotograf.

»Min egen lejlighed er for lille til, at vi alle kunne være dér og hygge os sammen, og restaurantture ville blive for besværligt med regninger og præcise mødetider«, fortæller hun.

Et månedligt cocktailparty på en ugedag blev derfor løsningen, og gennem facebookgruppen SOSO - eller So Sofisticated - inviteres samtlige medlemmer nu til begivenhederne.

Udansk mingling
Første arrangement var 22. januar på den hjemligt indrettede cocktailbar Ruby, og her mødte omkring 100 forventningsfulde cocktailelskere op.

"Det gik over al forventning", jubler Maria Fazzingo, der ikke mener, hun kunne have stablet arrangementet på benene uden Facebook.

Her startede hun i december facebookgruppen ved at invitere sine venner, som hun opfordrede til at invitere deres venner.

Gruppen er åben for alle og har nu 116 medlemmer.

»Jeg kender ikke 100 mennesker personligt, så det var fantastisk at se så mange til SOSO´s første cocktailparty. Folk hilste på hinanden og snakkede på kryds og tværs«, fortæller Maria Fazzingo.

Hun glædede sig især over danskernes åbenhed til arrangementet.

»Det er ikke så dansk, det dér med at gå rundt og introducere sig selv og networke med mennesker, der er helt forskellige fra én selv«, mener Fazzingo.

Til hvert arrangement serveres en særlig cocktail.

På Ruby bød bartenderne på en specialmixet variation af drinken Aviation.

Næste SOSO arrangement bliver 13. februar på Ourbar i Studiestræde.
Titel So Sofisticated

Sted Ourbar
Studiestræde 7, 1455 København K
Dato13. februar 2008

EntréDu skal skrive dig på gæstelisten via Facebook

Fakta om SoSo
SoSo - eller So Sofisticated - er en facebookgruppe, der er åben for alle.

Gruppens formål er at invitere medlemmerne til månedlige cocktailpartys forskellige steder i byen.

Første gang var 22. januar på Ruby og næste fest bliver 13. februar på Ourbar. Foreløbig har gruppen 116 medlemmer.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The first event for "So Sophisticated" was a HUGE success! A Hundred people showed up throughout the night to socialize and sip on cocktails. The special cocktail "SoSo Aviation" was a hit and so was the crowd... so open and fun. Everyone was smiling, mingling, flirting and networking. Thank you to everyone that attended! RUBY could not have been a better choice for the first event. The staff was incredible and friendly. They give great service with a smile and helped make the evening as fabulous as it was. Can't wait to do it again!
The next event is set for Wednesday, February 13th at OUR BAR. It's much bigger than RUBY and so I'm hoping for an even better turn out and yet another great featured cocktail. OUR BAR has two separate areas and lots of cozy nooks and corners to socialize in.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Dear Cocktail Lovers,

We promised you a little surprise for January 22nd at RUBY and here it is: a special cocktail at a special price.

Every truly classic cocktail is a study in exquisite simplicity, both in recipe and presentation. The AVIATION is the prince of all cocktails and has no modern equivalent… until now! RUBY has taken it to the next level.

The owners and their talented bar staff have designed a special cocktail just for SO SOPHISTICATED and it’s nothing short of spectacular! It has equal parts quality and simplicity, with a dash of controversy! It’s a champagne cocktail appropriately named SOSO AVIATION, a twist if you will on the classic AVIATION.

This special cocktail SOSO AVIATION can be obtained for one night only at RUBY, an establishment where the vanishing art of mixology is still pursued with zeal, if not fanaticism.
SOSO AVIATION is a modern take on a timeless classic: The Aviation, which they’ve jazzed up with Champagne…

It’s a Champagne Cocktail with Plymouth gin, Maraschino liqueur, sugar syrup, and a wee bit of lemon juice. All in all a dry, sophisticated cocktail – a bit boozy but wonderfully moreish (so good that you want more!) This is an incredibly elegant drink and If you think you don’t like gin, this cocktail will change your mind! You will love the subtle cherry flavor the Maraschino provides, and the way the flavors balance to create such a crisp, enjoyable drink. A wonderfully subtle balance of sweet and sour, with the floral notes of the gin and Maraschino working together sublimely.

Despite only containing a few ingredients, it has a very complex, yet very balanced flavor, however it's the maraschino that makes this cocktail stand tall.
Maraschino is a liqueur that gains its flavor from Dalmation Marasca cherries. During production the whole cherry, including the pits, seeds and stems, is used which lends an almost almond like taste to the spirit. It has a fresh, slightly dry, bittersweet, peppery nuttiness taste to it which is very different from regular cherry liqueurs, and somewhat hard to describe... Ask for it by name!

kr. 79

Regular Ruby Champagne Cocktail price kr. 99 ENJOY!

Monday, January 7, 2008


It was just a couple of weeks ago I started inviting a few friends to "So Sophisticated" and started the group SOSO on facebook. Friends have started inviting friends which is what it's all about. Now the word is spreading and there is over 70 people on the RSVP and over 55 people that "maybe" are going to join. Which makes for a nice group of people for the venue that comfortably holds up to 50 people for a cozy intimate evening and up to 80 people full capacity.

I have gotten a lot of positive feedback. Seems Copenhagen NEEDS something like this! There is now over 75 members and growing of the facebook group SOSO which will keep people informed of the future fabulous events and information.

I can't wait to meet and greet my friend's friends and their friends over splendid cocktails in a great bar! The owners of RUBY are super wonderful and sweet people who are really looking forward to the event as well.

Thank you in advance to everyone who will attend and thanks for taking an interest and initiative. Without you this would not be possible!


"So Sophisticated" will take place January 22nd at RUBY 5:00 PM